Friday, October 30, 2015

CNBC Debate: Kasich, Fiorina and Cruz Biggest Winners

Donald Trump, JEB, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Rand Paul each had time to shine during this contentious debate.

CONSERVATIVE LATINO AZ - Power Ranking: 3rd Debate

Hosted by CNBC, the 3rd Republican Presidential Debate was absolutely deplorable.
With the "Biggest Weakness" question, the first question of the debate, the gang of moderators instantly threw out the window any and all journalistic integrity.
The debate degenerated into a game of dodgeball. A series of "Gotcha" questions about character and qualifications were hurled at each candidate with the intent to embarrass, mock, and shame.
Despite the format, the debate delivered a few surprises. 
Note: This ranking is based solely on the candidates who are at top of the card, Comments are offered by the editorial staff of Conservative Latinos AZ,

During this debate, some of the candidates shared new and interesting details and information. Others gave charming quips and insightful gems.
In their own words and no particular order, here are some of our favorite and most notable comments:
CARSON - The gay community shouldn't automatically assume that because you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman that you are a homophobe. The PC culture is destroying our nation.
CRUZ -  I may not have a beer with you; but I will get you home. He later said, "The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the (Mainstream) Media." Then one hour into the debate, he said: Under Barack Obama 3.7 million women entered poverty. Later he said, "With my plan...every citizen could fill out their taxes on a post card so we can eliminate the IRS."
CHRISTIE - Indignantly Christie said, "Are we really talking about Fantasy Football - Enough! And, later to moderator, he said, "John, do you want me to answer...cuz even in New Jersey what your doing is called 'Rude'.   
FIORINA - We have a 73,000 page tax code; I'll reduce it to three pages. Three pages will level the playing field. Later, she said, 92% of all the jobs lost during Barack Obama's first term belonged to women. In her closing remarks: "In your 'heart of hearts' you can't wait to see a debate between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina." Game, set, match, Carly! 
HUCKABEE - Nothing particularly memorable.
JEB - (Lightheartedly) I'm 7-0 in my Fantasy Football League...We're not gambling but effectively it is 'day trading' without any regulation at all.
KASICH - Steak but no sizzle.
PAUL - When talking about MediCare and Social Security being broke and out of money, he said, "It's not the Democrats fault or Republicans fault...It's your grandparents fault for having 'too many' damn kids."
RUBIO - Arguably, one of the best lines of the night: "Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC - The Mainstream Media"
TRUMP - Super PAC's are scams. They cause dishonesty; Very good people are making very bad decisions...we need to get rid of them.