Friday, November 27, 2015

Quick Tips for a more peaceful, joyous, and hopeful Holiday Season

Merry Christmas! 

It’s sort of oddly ironic that the season to celebrate the brightest event in human history starts with something we’ve concocted called: Black Friday.

Be that as it may, if this holiday season, you are looking for more peace, joy, and hope; more reason for the season, then here are six quick tips:

Pray – Every morning, get up and take a minute to say “thank you” to your Creator for giving you another day of life on this Earth. At the end of each day, before you go to bed, thank your Creator for the gifts he gave you today. Gratitude releases the most powerful energy in the universe. Love.

Breathe – Take care of yourself. Rest. Eat. And, repeat. Go on quiet walks. Meditate. Dream. Believe in miracles. And, for a few minutes, each day, pause to breathe deeply.

Balance – This time of year is pressure-packed with so many extra personal and professional obligations and expectations. Don’t try to run faster than your strength allows. Don’t go into debt during this gift-giving time of the year. In fact, don’t over-indulge in anything.

Art – The world has a seemingly endless supply of amazing people who produce beauty of all types. During this special occasion, give your heart, mind, and soul the sound of music of the season. Watch a holiday classic movie. Go to a museum, concert, or show. Talents are bestowed upon us by our Creator to enrich the lives of others. Use yours.

Forgive – Grudges are heavy burdens. Shrug them off and let go of your resentments. We all have faults. Choose not to take offense at the thoughtless words or actions of others. Instead, be slow to judge or complain. Be quick to apologize. And be free.

Time – Share who you are not what you have. No one will remember the holiday gift certificate you hand-out. Instead, enjoy an afternoon or evening with a family member or friend. Visit the sick and the elderly. Give the gift of you – it will last a lifetime.

Make the best choices you can, live in the moment, and let your light shine brightly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

FOX Business News Wall Street Journal Debate: Fiorina Biggest Winner

Conservative Latinos AZ Presidential Power Ranking of all of the Republican Presidential Candidates: Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, JEB Bush, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Chris Christie, and Mike Huckabee.

Hosted by FOX Business News and the Wall Street Journal, the 4th Republican Presidential Debate was more mild than wild.
Held inside the majestic Milwaukee Teatre, this venue was more suitable and proper to a presidential debate than the Dems event held inside a Las Vegas casino.
More like a joint press conference than an actual debate, this event was mostly cordial. However, the last 45 minutes were tedious to watch.
Repeatedly interrupting the other candidates, Kasich and Paul were annoying hecklers and, in fact, the low points of the debate.
Carly was indomitable. Rubio was masterful. Cruz shined.
May We Suggest...
Instead of a debate forum, let's simply put all of the Republican Presidential candidates in a "Whack-a-Mole" arcade game.
Each time, they give a "Pinheaded" (apologies to Bill O'Reilly) response, the moderator mercilessly pounds them to a pulp.