Tuesday, July 7, 2015

San Francisco Shooting Kathryn Steinle Dead

Condolences, prayers to the Steinle family and friends for their loss. 

Well-known to the federal courts for nearly a quarter of a century, convicted felon and illegal from Mexico, Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate AKA: Juan Jose Dominguez de la Parra; AKA: Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez admitted to shooting Kathryn Steinle while she was sightseeing at San Francisco.

This tragic event is exacerbated by the disgusting game of hot potato played by the San Francisco Sheriff's Office and ICE.

But wait...this immigration imbroglio includes President Obama. That's right. By way of refresher, on July 2nd, just a few days ago, President Obama, through Jeh Johnson, Director of Homeland Security, announced the administration's new policy of "integration" instead of "deportation" for illegals. 

Politics 101: Tell the people they WANT to hear because it is always more expedient than telling them what they NEED to hear.

Better Question:
Why is it that in our country it's more important to protect the rights of illegals over the rights of U.S. citizens?

In 2008, Gavin Newsom, who served as mayor of San Francisco at the time, publicized the city's sanctuary status in a  press release for San Francisco's Sanctuary City Outreach Program.  Newsome later backtracked somewhat after news organizations began exposing how the city's sanctuary policy had protected illegal alien gang members that were committing serious crimes in San Francisco and elsewhere.  In 2009, Newsome attempted to veto an ordinance passed by San Francisco's even more radical Board of Supervisors which prohibited illegal aliens charged with crimes from being detained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). AND THIS IS NO JOKE: While mayor, one of Newsom's greatest accomplishments was banning styrofoam cups - actually, he is so proud of it, he includes that info on his "About" page of the Lt. Gov of CA website. Oh, and by the way, Newsome now serves as California's Lt. Governor.Can someone say Peter Principle. 

By his own admission, Sanchez was in San Francisco precisely because it's a "Sanctuary City". And all illegals know that a "Sanctuary City" is a safe haven for them and their unabated criminal activities.

Despite a 1996 federal law (IIRIRA) that requires local governments to cooperate with DHS and ICE, many cities such as SFO have adopted formal or informal "Sanctuary City" policies that instructs local law enforcement not to notify the federal government of illegals living in their communities.

The argument is easily made that a "Sanctuary City" is complicit with the Obama Administration in subverting the U.S. Constitution.

 Why do public officials pass sanctuary laws or establish unwritten "don't ask--don't tell" policies?  There are a variety of reasons.  Some politicians attempt to appease illegal immigration support groups such as the National Council of La Raza (NCLR),  Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund (MALDF), and League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), or other immigration activist groups that lobby local governments to implement formal or informal sanctuary policies. Other reasons include political contributions and ethnic voter support at election time; complacency, ignorance, or "don't care" attitudes; and purposeful resistance to existing U.S. immigration law based upon an open-border political philosophy that may serve their economic, political, or ethnocentric interests.   A great number of politically appointed big city police chief's often support an administration's sanctuary policy because they share a similar political ideology or just want to keep their job.  It's much easier too for city officials to collect their paychecks and avoid the political protests and threats of expensive lawsuits that routinely follow attempts by cities to stop illegal aliens from taking root in their communities. 

According to OJJPAC.org, here's list of "Sanctuary Cities" in Arizona: Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Tucson.

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