Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fox Presidential Debate August 2015

Latino Perspective: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, and others..

By Martin Gonzalez.

This past week, Fox News offered us two candidate showcases. The presidential candidates were divided into two groups according to their poll ranking. The more popular candidates appeared in the later, evening televised debate. The lowest polling candidates appeared in the earlier, afternoon debate. I watched both, Here's my take: 

The Evening Set
CHRIS CHRISTIE - He wins the award for "Huggable Hounddog". Though he growled his teeth a few times to show he's no pushover, Christie spent most of his precious camera time begging to be liked.
MARCO RUBIO - He wins for "Most Polished" politician. Though he lacks depth and substance, he is very well-spoken and came across as very relatable. He was my Most Pleasant Surprise debater.
BEN CARSON - He wins for "Most Twitter Friendly". Though he projected common sense, he said nothing new for any conservative who follows #PJNET #1A #TCOT #Freedom et al..
SCOTT WALKER - He (ignominiously) wins the award for "Biggest Disappointment". Though he's done well for his home state of Wisconsin, he did not live up to the hype during this debate. The guy has great PR just no personality.
DONALD TRUMP - He wins for "Staying True to Himself". Though his bluster seemed to be tempered somewhat by the gravity of the occasion and less by any respect that he clearly does not have for any of the contenders, he nevertheless managed to deliver plenty of Trump style.
JEB BUSH - He wins for appearing "Most Presidential". Though the Legacy Last Name haunts him, he definitely articulated that he is "his own man" with his own successes working for the people of his state of Florida.
MIKE HUCKABEE - He wins for "Smartest Guy in the Class" Though he has no chance of getting the Republican nomination, primarily because he will never be able to raise a respectable amount of money to defeat Hillary, this debate showcased his brilliant grasp of all the issues.
TED CRUZ - He wins for coming across as "Least Human". Though he has excellent presentation skills and stagecraft, he appeared absolutely cold, calculated, and robotic. However, Ted does get extra credit points for deftly answering the GOD question.
RAND PAUL - He wins for "Epic Fail". Though utterly destroyed by Donald Trump in the first few minutes of the debate, Rand was his own worst enemy be appearing least like a Presidential candidate and more like a spoiled little brat who was dismissed to the corner for being disruptive in class.
JOHN KASICH - He wins for sounding "Most Like a Politician". Though the debate took place in his home state of Ohio, he completely underwhelmed TV audiences with typical political platitudes.

The Earlier Set
GILMORE - Happy Gilmore has a better chance of winning the White House.
GRAHAM - On a scale of one to ten, he was good, not great. I give him an eight.
JINDAL - His quirky looks make him the least TV friendly of all the candidates. Sorry, Mr. Jindal, but presidential politics is also a beauty contest.
PERRY - He's plenty savvy about border issues but he's one dimensional.
SANTORUM - Big Man on Campus; Boyish good looks; and perennial 2nd string quarterback.
FIORINA - She was by far the most articulate and by far the only contender from this set who deserves a title shot. A Fiorina Clinton debate would be the ultimate chick fight.
PATAKI - Commander and Chief of Neverland

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