Monday, September 28, 2015

The Jihad Has Begun - Syrian Refugees are ISIS operatives - Muslims are Better Than Mexicans

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a Ridiculous and Cruel Joke!
Mexicans get the cake but Muslims get the country.

By Martin Gonzalez
September 28, 2015

The period from September 15th to October 15th is supposed to be time when the citizenry of the United States of America recognizes the contributions of Latino Americans to our great land.

Note to 'do-gooder' Latino community activists: STOP patting yourselves on the back. In large part you are to blame. This month-long event is meaningless. It simply does NOTHING to improve the status and opportunities for Latinos in our country. 

Other than Cinco de Mayo, chips & salsa, and taco trucks, the greatest nation on Earth does not love you nor does it value the contributions by Latinos to the collective culture.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is an appeasement not an honor. To believe otherwise is to be part of las bolas de babosos aduladores que siempre andan tras el presidente y el partido democratico. English Translation: 'a bunch of fawning sycophants who always (gullably) follow the President and the Democratic party'. 

Well, this party is over!

This presidential cycle has been absolutely eye-opening. On the one hand, you have candidates who want nothing more than to round-up over 11M illegals and ship them back to Mexico.  

And juxtaposed, on the other hand, we now have startling, recent revelations that over the past few years, well-orchestrated efforts, at all levels of government have made many conscience and generous gestures to integrate so-called Syrian refugees and place them in bedroom communities across the country unbeknownst to the people of these towns and neighborhoods.

While this country has a dialog about creative ways to keep Mexicans out, the USA welcomes, like giddy school girls, Middle Eastern terrorists who are predisposed to ruin our way of life.

It's worth mentioning that Mexicans just want jobs not to overthrow a people.

Read about the insidious, stealthy, and subversive activities that the Muslim Brotherhood have engaged in with our country's liberal elites. Click here. It's called the RED GREEN AXIS PARTNERSHIP. It's the conjoining of our nation's socialist radicals with Islamic supremacists.

On September 24, 2015, mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama urging him to take in even more refugees than the mere 85,000 that the administration intends to accept this year. The letter, while listing only 18 mayors, is in reality apart of a much broader network that consists of over 84 mayors in nearly 100 cities and growing that are working in conjunction with the organization called Cities United For Immigration Action (CUIA).

Furthermore, the mayors write as justification for expanding the number of refugees that “our cities have been transformed by the skills and the spirit of those who come to us from around the world. The drive and enterprise of immigrants and refugees have helped build our economies, enliven our arts and culture, and enrich our neighborhoods.”  

Unless those people happen to be Mexican.

Here's wishing you all the best at your next celebration: National Muslim Heritage is Better Than Everyone Else's Heritage Month.

Friday, September 25, 2015

John Boehner Resigns in Disgrace

Obama calls Boehner a "good man". How wonderful for the House Speaker to get a tepid endorsement from the President of the USA.
Trump, Cruz, Fiorina, and other also had choice words for Boehner.

  • To be called a "good man" by the worst president in US history, what's that worth? 

  • In the Friday (Sep 25th) edition of Bloomberg Politics, with regard to Boehner's resignation, the reaction by each presidential candidate reveals much about their own character. Their words prove them. Here are their quotes and my awards.

  • Most Incoherent - DONALD TRUMP: "I think it's time for him, it's probably time for the party, it's time for everybody." 
  • Most Understated - CARLY FIORINA: Boehner’s “doing the right thing” by stepping aside and she looks “forward to a conservative leader for the House”
  • Most Banal (lacking originality) - MARCO RUBIO: “The time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation of leadership”
  • Most Inspiring - TED CRUZ: “The American people are waking up, and help is on the way”
  • (Sounding) Most Like Eulogy - JEB: “John Boehner dedicated his life to public service. Bringing the Holy Father to Congress was a fitting cap to a great career”
  • (Sounding) Most like typical political BS - JOHN KASICH: Boehner “leaves a legacy of unparalleled integrity and steady, mature leadership during difficult times that will be a model for future Speakers”
  • (Sounding) Most like an American Greeting Card - CHRIS CHRISTIE: “He’s a good man and I wish him well”  This award is very fitting because like Boehner, American Greetings is HQ'd in Ohio.
  • Most Needless Ass Kissing - LINSDEY GRAHAM: Boehner “has always tried to bring about change in the best interests of our nation and party” and he “understands the responsibility which comes from governing”
  • Most Spot-On (accurate and exact) Assessment - BOBBY JINDAL: “This Congress has been a disaster” as it has “failed to fight for conservative values”
  • (Sounding) Most Like a High School Guidance Counselor -  RICK SANTORUM: Boehner has “changed a bit” and it’s “time to start a new chapter”

  • As reported in today's edition of the Daily Caller"
  • Most Obvious Assessment - BEN CARSON: "I think he's a go along to get along type of guy."

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scott Walker Official Out of The 2016 Republican Presidential Race

Donald Trump, JEB, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and John Kasich remain in the race.

The Dead Pool
By Martin Gonzalez
Updated Sep 21, 2015
This Presidential election cycle has provided an absolute embarrassment of riches - literally, both Democrats and Republicans have produced too many candidates - some stinky and some surprises.
Unfortunately, running for the White House can be cruel. As quickly as contenders announce their candidacy they quietly depart the campaign trail. 
On September 11th, Rick Perry dropped out of the race.
In the weeks and months to come, and certainly by the end of this year, many more candidates will vaporize into the deep, dark, dank, dismal political abyss.
SCOTT WALKER announced today, Sep 21st, that he's done.
It's just a fact that in politics: donor money is oxygen to a campaign. 
All, but a precious few (JEB and Trump), will eventually gasp their last breath. Some candidates will succumb to this terrifying reality much sooner than later. 
As I see it, The following six (6) so-called candidates are hopelessly free-floating through cold, deep space somewhere between Mars and Jupiter, moving farther away from Earth with no rescue team to bring them home or provide any fresh air. 
Bobby Jindal will most-likely be the next to leave our political solar system followed by:
Who will you put in your DEAD POOL?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Carly Fiorina Wins CNN Republican Presidential Debate

Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Rand Paul all lost ground. Huckabee, JEB, and Chris Christie all gained ground. However, the surprise winner of the CNN Republican Presidential Debate was Carly Fiorina.

By Martin Gonzalez                                                             
September 17, 2015

The overall tone and tenor of the CNN Republican Presidential Debate was combative and confrontational. By design, CNN made civil discourse the first casualty. Nevertheless, the debate was entertaining and quite revealing.
Donald Trump was typically aggressive. Mike Huckabee was particularly likable and stayed above the fray. Carly Fiorina, who demonstrated that she is no pushover, was clear, definitive, and brilliant!

Rand Paul has all of the charisma of a miniature dog that yelps incessantly. Marco Rubio has passion but no direction. He appears to be candidate who is in desperate search of a cause or a cure. Ted Cruz needs more work on his delivery and energy. I would tell him to use more of his vocal range. Right now, he's too monotone, too mechanical, and too measured. Ben Carson also needs to improve his communications skills but unfortunately, he may be beyond repair. Donald Trump has peaked. Understandable, JEB let Trump get under his skin at times but, like Huckabee, JEB managed to appear the very presidential. Scott Walker was absolutely uninspiring. In contrast, Carly Fiorina was commanding. Then there's John Kasich. Every time he spoke, all I could think was, Please Dear Lord make him stop talking - no one cares what he has to say. And, In the final analysis, Kasich is a career politician. That legacy is much more of a liability for him during in this presidential cycle than JEB's legacy last name. And, finally, Chris Christie. Don't be too quick to sign his death certificate. He showed he can be tough yet tender. He has real potential.
So for fun, based on last night's performance, here's what I would tell you if the presidential candidates were stocks you could buy and sell on the NYSE.
Your comments are welcome.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CNN Biggest Winner at Presidential Debate

It's just a fact that, as a media company, CNN absolutely sucks and by that what I really mean to say is that they Super Suck with a side of curly fries.

Currently, this nearly extinct, waste of space, American news channel found on cable, satellite, and the internet is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner.

You know CNN. They are the news organization who airs 24-hours of nonsensical liberal drivel and twaddle. Wait a minute. This commentary is beginning to sound very much like a Donald Trump campaign sound bite.

Regardless, CNN is a critical-care patient on life support. And, it is in desperate need of a big time all or nothing ratings jolt.

The remedy? Obamacare? No. Clever. But, no. Instead, the fine folks at CNN have decided to serve-up a well-orchestrated, televised forum that will promote Republican ideas and values set, at of all places, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library at Simi Valley, CA which is as incredibly brilliant and it is incredibly ironic.

Despite these overwhelming facts, a simple, powerful lesson can be learned here. Let's extend the logic: If CNN can get stronger, better, faster with this strategy, then it clearly stands to reason that our great nation will get better, stronger, faster, if we elect a Republican to the WH in 2016.
Yes. You're right. That's ironic, too.