Monday, September 21, 2015

Scott Walker Official Out of The 2016 Republican Presidential Race

Donald Trump, JEB, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and John Kasich remain in the race.

The Dead Pool
By Martin Gonzalez
Updated Sep 21, 2015
This Presidential election cycle has provided an absolute embarrassment of riches - literally, both Democrats and Republicans have produced too many candidates - some stinky and some surprises.
Unfortunately, running for the White House can be cruel. As quickly as contenders announce their candidacy they quietly depart the campaign trail. 
On September 11th, Rick Perry dropped out of the race.
In the weeks and months to come, and certainly by the end of this year, many more candidates will vaporize into the deep, dark, dank, dismal political abyss.
SCOTT WALKER announced today, Sep 21st, that he's done.
It's just a fact that in politics: donor money is oxygen to a campaign. 
All, but a precious few (JEB and Trump), will eventually gasp their last breath. Some candidates will succumb to this terrifying reality much sooner than later. 
As I see it, The following six (6) so-called candidates are hopelessly free-floating through cold, deep space somewhere between Mars and Jupiter, moving farther away from Earth with no rescue team to bring them home or provide any fresh air. 
Bobby Jindal will most-likely be the next to leave our political solar system followed by:
Who will you put in your DEAD POOL?

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