Friday, September 25, 2015

John Boehner Resigns in Disgrace

Obama calls Boehner a "good man". How wonderful for the House Speaker to get a tepid endorsement from the President of the USA.
Trump, Cruz, Fiorina, and other also had choice words for Boehner.

  • To be called a "good man" by the worst president in US history, what's that worth? 

  • In the Friday (Sep 25th) edition of Bloomberg Politics, with regard to Boehner's resignation, the reaction by each presidential candidate reveals much about their own character. Their words prove them. Here are their quotes and my awards.

  • Most Incoherent - DONALD TRUMP: "I think it's time for him, it's probably time for the party, it's time for everybody." 
  • Most Understated - CARLY FIORINA: Boehner’s “doing the right thing” by stepping aside and she looks “forward to a conservative leader for the House”
  • Most Banal (lacking originality) - MARCO RUBIO: “The time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation of leadership”
  • Most Inspiring - TED CRUZ: “The American people are waking up, and help is on the way”
  • (Sounding) Most Like Eulogy - JEB: “John Boehner dedicated his life to public service. Bringing the Holy Father to Congress was a fitting cap to a great career”
  • (Sounding) Most like typical political BS - JOHN KASICH: Boehner “leaves a legacy of unparalleled integrity and steady, mature leadership during difficult times that will be a model for future Speakers”
  • (Sounding) Most like an American Greeting Card - CHRIS CHRISTIE: “He’s a good man and I wish him well”  This award is very fitting because like Boehner, American Greetings is HQ'd in Ohio.
  • Most Needless Ass Kissing - LINSDEY GRAHAM: Boehner “has always tried to bring about change in the best interests of our nation and party” and he “understands the responsibility which comes from governing”
  • Most Spot-On (accurate and exact) Assessment - BOBBY JINDAL: “This Congress has been a disaster” as it has “failed to fight for conservative values”
  • (Sounding) Most Like a High School Guidance Counselor -  RICK SANTORUM: Boehner has “changed a bit” and it’s “time to start a new chapter”

  • As reported in today's edition of the Daily Caller"
  • Most Obvious Assessment - BEN CARSON: "I think he's a go along to get along type of guy."

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